Saturday, 2 November 2013

Milk peda | Milma peda | Kukskitchen

Happy Diwali folks!!!

Back from another busy and fun-filled day at work, I started to think what can I make for Diwali. Asked my adviser Mr Son, who chose milk peda. I was pleased as I had all the ingredients in my store cupboard to make it, given that it doesn't take much ingredients anyway. 

Milma peda was a childhood favourite of mine. Those days one could get hands on one only from a milma booth. They still do it after all these years and it still tastes the same. Any fellow milma peda lovers in there!!!

With that thought......

A few things before we start:
  • Use fat free condensed milk and milk powder for a less guilt pleasure
  • Thick bottomed pan helps control the heat keeping the mixture from burning
  • I used an ice cube tray to shape my pedas. Use any old mould.
  • All the steps can be done in a microwave too.

Milk peda
പാല്‍  പേട 
Makes 20

Condensed milk - 400ml can
Milk powder      - 1 1/2 cups
Ghee/ Butter      - 2tbsp
Cardamom powder - 1tsp


  • Heat a thick bottomed pan and heat ghee. 
  • Add the condensed milk and milk powder and stir thoroughly with a wooden spoon until well combined. 
  • Add cardamom powder.
  • Continue to mix stirring constantly till the edges of the mix start to come off the pan.
  • Cool the mixture until it is easy to handle; roll the mixture into lemon size balls.  


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