Working with me

Kuks Kitchen  is all about making you feel part of it, like a family. I love to interact and as much as I love to hear praises I like criticisms as well. I am a good critic of generally food and everything cooking related; but I particularly enjoy trying new ingredients.

Here is some information on what I am available to hire for. Please note I would rather not review or give expert medical opinion as a doctor to any product. My blog does promote healthy eating and general well being and products related to those are welcome.

Product Reviews and Sponsored Posts

Sponsored posts are a great way to gain exposure and brand recognition. If you mail me a product, I’m more than happy to write an honest review. I will gladly accept food, beverages, cookbooks, and kitchen utensils/bake ware/tools/cookware/electronics etc. I reserve the right to reject any product, if I think it is not suitable for my site or if I particularly take a dislike to it. Please be assured that a negative review will not follow. 

Freelance Writing

I have experience in recipe writing for cook books. I can do freelance writing for magazines (online/paperback) or news papers. I prefer to stick to food related topics, and I rather not get involved in medical products. You can hire me as creative voice for your company. 

Recipe Development

I also do recipe development upon request. If your company would like me to create a unique recipe that represents your brand/product, contact me for ideas.

Food Styling

I do my own photography and editing for my site. If you require food styling for your product, I can do it upon request.

Contact Information


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