A little bit about me

Hey  I'm Sherin. My family know me as kukku. I am a working mom with two hungry tums to feed (including mine). I hail from the God's Own Country (well, State!)---- Kerala. Been living in UK for nearly 20 years now.

I love baking and cooking, but, most of all, I LOVE eating!
I do not cook for the blog. I take pictures of my daily cooking when I can and feature them here. You will find that much of my recipes are of simple home cooking. Now you know why!! :) I have a variety of recipes in my blog from easy ones for busy professionals like me to complicated traditional ones which I cherish.

I came in to cooking because of the people around me, be it the women in family who are amazing cooks or the men who luv to eat. I also have a wonderful bunch of dear friends who are ardent food lovers.

Being a doctor by profession, working full-time means I have to work that extra bit hard to fit in my passion in my life. I absolutely love my work and folks at work are a constant encouragement and it helps that many are ardent home bakers and home cooks themselves like me.

Started cooking while I was at school, my first attempt being a sweetie, no surprise there for people who know me. I started cooking more after marriage, as most girls do. My experiments with food blossomed after coming to the UK, where the grocery stores opened up a variety of foodie opportunities for my hungry tum. I take inspiration from recipes I inherited from my family, the world wide web and umpteen number of cook books that I have collected, not to forget the cookery shows that I watch and lovingly torture my son and my mum to watch :). The recipes posted here are either the exact versions or some which I have modified to suit my palate and need.  I have tried to give due credit where ever I can if I have borrowed a recipe.

I turned to transforming good old recipes to ever so slightly healthy versions after my son was born.

I welcome you to read through this site, I love comments esp ones that help me/site improve.


I am a firm believer that most of the recipes have more than one method of preparation and that it may vary from region to region.  So, in case some of the recipes do not match completely the way you expected it to be, I can only give the assurance that it was tried and tested personally at least once before posting it.

I love having my recipes, posts and photos all over the internet but hate it when people use it without my permission.  Please ask me and I will give permission to use it. It just takes a few seconds to ask..!!

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Please do not borrow pictures without my permission. I may not find out but there is someone up there watching, and stealing doesnot go well in his court.


Simple tasty traditional recipes with easy to follow descriptions.
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