Sunday, 5 January 2014

Pazham puttu | Steamed rice cakes layered with coconut and sweet plantains | Kukskitchen

Puttu, steamed rice cake, is a frequent visitor in every Keralan house. The classic combination is puttu with Chick pea/Bengal gram curry കടലക്കറി. With the advent of restaurants who specialise in puttu like 'ദേ പുട്ട്' by the famous mallu Cine actor Dileep, umpteen new combinations have emerged some old some new. പഴം പുട്ട് is one such delicacy which has now found its way to house holds like mine. It does make the humble പുട്ട് an exciting make over.

A few things before we start:

  • If using not so ripe plantains, add a tsp or so of sugar to add more flavour.
  • One could add cardamom powder to this as well.
  • The amount of the plantain coconut mixture used can be varied according to taste. 

Steamed rice cake layered with sweet plantain and grated coconut
പഴം പുട്ട് 
Serves 2


Roasted rice flour - 1 cup
Grated coconut - 1/4 cup
Sweet ripe plaintain - 1 medium, cut in to small cubes
Water - 3/4 cup, luke warm
Salt to taste


  • Mix cubed plantain together with grated coconut and keep aside.
  • Add salt to the flour and mix well
  • Now pour in the water, all at once.
  • Now start mixing with a spoon. I use a nice and sturdy table spoon for this.
  • It would look like a soggy mess to begin with. Keep mixing for about a minute or till the flour dries to a slightly lumpy consistency. 
  • Now layer this with grated coconut-plantain mixture in a  പുട്ടുകുറ്റി starting and ending with a layer of the mixture in addition to another layer in the middle. 
  • Steam for 3-4mts till the rice flour is nice and cooked through.
  • Push them out of the tube and serve hot.

 Also check out

Basic Puttu recipe with step-by-step pictures

Chick pea curry to go with Puttu

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  1. Anonymous1:30 pm

    what a delicious looking puttu...we won't hesitate going for seconds with kadala curry...thanks :-)

  2. I love puttu any time .Def a try recipe for me

  3. Thanks Sherin for visiting my blog!!! Its been ages I had made Puttu, just because kids don't like it very much, but I love them with kadala curry. I have to make it one of these days with plantain, they might like this version. Hey just want to let you know that I had tried your wheat halwa during summer and everyone liked it, not sure if I commented on it before. Thanks for the recipe!!!

    1. Thanks Shibi for your kind words. So pleased you liked the recipes. Share pictures of the wheat halwa. I love your photography.


  4. Anonymous1:47 pm

    awesome presentation; this post has forced me to make one ;)


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Simple tasty traditional recipes with easy to follow descriptions.