Friday, 10 April 2015

Easy Icecream bread | Kukskitchen

The simplest bread you will ever make!

Cooking with kids is a bliss. Mine enjoys little chores around kitchen like getting his own drink of water, take his plate back into kitchen, loading his plate in dishwasher etc. But what he loves most is helping me cook. He is my official egg beater and cake mixer. He also loves measuring things and yes of course licking the bowl afterwards.

During holidays I like to bake with him. We have baked a few things in the past liek muffins and cupcakes, but none by himself. Except the 7 minute chocolate cake. That was a big success and we wanted to repeat that success with a simple two ingredinet bread. This uses literally two ingredients. He was so happy with the results and enjoyed it through out the day toasted and with butter.

This would be the shortest recipeI have ever posted here.

A few things before we start:

  • If you haven't got self raising flour use plain flour / maida with baking powder. For this recipe use 1 1/2 cups of flour and 2 tsp of baking powder. Make sure you seive the flour and baking powder together for a good 2-3 times so they mix well. 

Icecream bread


Ice cream - 2 cups
Self raising flour - 1 1/2 cups

Mix until all the flour is moistened
Bake in a greased bake tin @ 180 degrees for 45 minutes.

Yes, that is it. I do hope ypu get to try this bread.

Also check out - Ginger tea

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1 comment:

  1. I totally love these kind of dishes, beautiful colour and flavour :)


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