Friday, 6 December 2013

Kaya pola | Keralan sweet plantain souffle | Kukskitchen

Kaya pola is a traditional malabar dessert made especially on special occasions like iftar. It is quick and easy to prepare and uses very few ingredients.

A few things before we start:

  • The riper the plaintain the sweeter the flesh and quicker it turns brown when fried in ghee.
  • Sealing the dish tight is important to get the right texture.
  • I steamed my kaya pola in individual ramekins which helps the presentation and portioning.
  • I avoided cashew nuts since my son is not a big fan of nuts in general.

Keralan sweet plantain souffle
കായ പോള 


1- Plaintain (ripe) - 3
2- Eggs -  4
    Sugar -  3tbsp
    Cardamom powder - 1tsp
3- Ghee - 3tbsp + 1 tbsp to grease
4- Cashew nuts  - 1 tbsp
    Raisins  - 1 tbsp


  • Peel the plaintains and cut the flesh into small squares.
  • In a pan heat ghee and stir fry the plantain in ghee till golden brown in colour.
  • Drain excess ghee and let cool
  • Fry cashews in the same ghee followed by raisins. Keep aside.
  • In a bowl whisk 4 eggs , sugar and cardamom powder well till frothy.
  • Now add fried plantain to this egg mixture, followed by cashew nuts and raisins Mix well.
  • Pour this mixture to a greased steam-proof dish and seal using cling film.
  • Steam for 20 minutes or till a tooth pick inserted comes out clean.
  • Serve medium hot.


1 comment:

  1. wow those pics looks so so clicks are awesome, yummy dessert


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